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The story of Sens & Nuances

Towards new coaching challenges!

Those of you who know me or have worked with me, know that the many facets of my work are due to a variety of interests, including foreign languages, human sciences and digital technology (to keep it professional, I won't write about my passion for chocolate and pastries… just yet). More than that, the driving force of my activity is based on my values. That's how, by including them in my work, I got the idea of Sens & Nuances .

Discover how and why

After years coaching different target groups, I decided to go to the next level and focus on the creation of a fairer, more ethical business world that generates positive growth. Yes, just that! Sens & Nuances was born from the observation that, beyond the need for economic and financial success, the question of personal and professional fulfillment, as well as the creation of a meaningful career, are essential for the clients I coach. But as it seems, for many others too!

According to a 2020 study from Xing/New Work SE, one in four people feel unhappy at work. Other statistics show that one in two people would be affected! In both cases, dissatisfaction at work has a strong impact on employees, including their motivation, health and therefore their productivity. The processes, results and profits of an organization greatly suffer from it too. This is why, thanks to a systemic approach, I intervene on three levels: financial, structural and human.

Because I am convinced that being happy and successful at work is possible,

I coach organizations, entrepreneurs and individuals to make personal and professional fulfillment go hand in hand with the success of organizations!

With that in mind, I more specifically work with high sensitive persons and intercultural profiles as well as with the organizations, which welcome them.

High sensitivity and interculturality at the hear of my approach

Let's start with the obvious: interculturality. While I grew up in a French family between Le Havre and Marseille, my interest for foreign languages and other cultures started very early on. At the age of 10, I told my parents that "when I'm a grown-up" I will live in Germany. My linguistic background, my numerous trips and my experiences as an expatriate working in an international environment played a big role in keeping my interest for interculturality and learn more about it. So it is quite natural that many of my clients have an international background or work in international organizations. And frankly, I love it!

And now, what about high sensitivity? Well, I guess it is pretty obvious too. (If you want to discover more about that topic, I invite you to read this page). As a highly sensitive person (HPS) myself, I soon recognized a lack of support for HPS in the workplace, even though 30% of the population is concerned by this character trait, being part of neurodiversity. Through my readings, personal work, professional trainings as well as by passion, I decided to follow this sparkle in me and specialize in working on (hyper) sensitivity in the work place. This is a broad subject, which goes even further: it allows me to put the human being at the heart of my approach and to work with what makes us unique, with our unique needs, in an environment designed for the masses and where everyone is looking for their rightful place. In this context, I am so happy to raise awareness about neurodiversity in the workplace (again, more info here) and working with many clients considered as gifted, multi-potentialits or simply recognizing a high sensitivity in them. And again, I love it!

A multidisciplinary team

Last but not least, I cannot end this article about Sens & Nuances without mentioning my dear colleagues, Natascha Tegeler and Nadine Dassain! It is important for me to answer best your needs. Because the business world is complex, I make it a point of honor to work with other professionals with complementary skills. Sens & Nuances is therefore a team of experienced coaches and experts who are passionate about what they do and who work together on a project-by-project basis. Thank you, Natascha and Nadine, for being part of the adventure!

And the adventure goes on ... with you!

Also a big thank you to my familiy, friends, colleagues, partners and clients who have supported me and trusted me since the creation of Sandra Morel Coaching several years ago and who have followed the adventure of Sens & Nuances.

Looking forward to working with you,


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